Monday, September 06, 2010

A phone call that made my day...

Today, I received a sweet phone call from home~
There's a mystery guest at home to speak with me....JASON!!! awwwwww, i miss him so much...did not seen him for months since he and his family had moved to SP. And the good news is....we are going to visit his family and bring him home on this coming Sat.
Got the chance to speak to the  naughty RYAN too...he still remembers who I am and 'still' know that I am FIERCE!!! haha...that's why he kept saying that Im not pretty, even on the phone just now...zzz ~ But, he's still sweet enough to sing 'your beautiful' to me. Had not been seeing him for only a month and he made me feel that he had grown up a lot!

So looking forward for this Fri to come.Then I will have the chance to meet all the kids at home and my family too! counting the days from now.................

the cute JASON...

the naugthy lil RYAN...



the cute petai boy with zi ning behind...

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