Thursday, January 28, 2010

yeah...finally im free enough to post the remaining photos...=)

  sissy went to 'kei tak sek' finally...haha


the crab meal with san suk...yummy but expensive


michelle came to overnight...had a great time with her eating steamboat and chit chatting...well, not much talking btw coz she was busy doing her homework!!!=.=

was having a great time...happy moments passed quickly before i could realise...
and im now back to my boring life again~~~huhu...=(

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

最幸福的事 - 梁文音

a nice song to share...i cried everytime when i watch the mv...T.T it is so meaningful and touching...

你撐著雨傘 接我那次
已經足夠我 記得一輩子
我懂後來你 不是不堅持
愛情本來就 沒萬無一失

淚水離開了 你的手指
那不如讓它 留在這信紙
我想女孩子 最貼心的是
讓愛的人選 結束的方式

我最幸福的事 當過你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩飾 讓我們像當時 擁抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蠟燭時你總為我許願的手勢
為摯愛的人 在左邊心口保留位置 是最幸福的事

可惜愛不是 童話故事
不能夠永遠 依賴著王子
再難過其實 隻剩兩個字
我怎麼忍心 為難你解釋

我最幸福的事 當過你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩飾 讓我們像當時 擁抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蠟燭時你總為我許願的手勢
為摯愛的人 在左邊心口保留位置 是最幸福的事

那一陣子有你 美得不像現實
多高興每一幕 都微笑著靜止

我最幸福的事 牽著你的日子
一段愛從開始 即使分開我們 都對彼此誠實
最幸福的事 對那片海用力大喊永遠的樣子
想得起那時 那天和你傻笑著認識 是最幸福的事


had been thinking alot lately...too many sad things happen around, made me became so emo and tears kept rolling down uncontrollably...i kept thinking about death...the accident that happened to my cousins and the chung ling boys that were is so fragile that i can't even imagine, and unpredictable...we do not know what will happen to us next...what we can do is to live everyday as our last, fill our day with happiness and live meaningfully...but im such a negative person, kept thinking of 'what if ?'...i know that im way too much to think it that way but i just do not have so much confident on my afraid of disappointing people who care for me...things that happen to me lately had proven me a loser and im beaten down...the failure i had, makes me lose all my confident and passion in life...i know i should not be beaten up and life is full with ups and downs...but sometimes when i was alone, those thoughts will haunt me and i just could not help it~~~

im not good in solving problems, especially when it comes to my personal matters...i do deserve a slap for all those crap...i know~ but i really can't help it sometimes...will try to think positively...all i need is a friend to motivate and care for me and i know that i have one beside me, who will always be there for me whenever i feel down...

i promised myself...i will try my best to live everyday as meaningful as i can...want to let all my family and friends know how much i love them and how grateful i am to have them in my life~ will live my life with no regrets!!!

** HUGS ** for everyone that i love!!! all of you meant a lot to me and thank you for having me a part of your lives too!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

DD's coming to town~

Had been having a wonderful time for the pass 6days...because my beloved sis, AMANDA NG KAR MENN came to visit hemmmm, but the main purpose was to shop, of course!!! hee~
although we did not get to spend much, as it was a 'budgeted' trip for her but we had a great time together eating cheap food....HAHA...

the 贵妇猫 with a mole in 1U =.=

watched movie and bought groceries at tropicana city~

and we found out a nice background for us to pose ^^

before the movie
(and mandy was running out from the toilet =.=)

yeah, we watched 'toothfairy'...quite a nice movie for person who likes fairytales, like me!!!

had homecooked meal for dinner...

just 3 of us eating, but the meal could serve at least 5...=.=

** there's still more pictures to upload, i'll just leave it for the next post then ** heee~

Monday, January 18, 2010

happy moments ended in just a glimpse, without realising~
sad moments are still floating in mind, haunting me sometimes....
the past december was full of ups and downs...(vacation with family, missed the flight, i lost my aunt's hp, flight delay, failed my refer paper, xmas party, cousins passed away in an accident, mom's uncle passed away)
those were all happened in less than 2weeks...
my was so busy till i could not manage to 'digest'...after i came back to start my new semester, i thought all will come to an end and there will be a new start for me...
BUT, bad lucks seem to like me in the new year...
due to my fail refer paper, i could not continue my semester unless i pass my paper in May!!! it was the bad news ever !!! no matter how much i cried, i still have to face it...the day was like hell to me, i was totally lost...
however,with the supports of my darling,family and friends, i was 'revived' again..and im so motivated to start all over!
yaya, it would be my good luck coming right? TOO PITY,NO!!! so next, I LOST RM100 IN MY ROOM!!! after all those, i was silly enough that i actually planned to go to the temple to change my luck !!! LOL

the whole thing is like a drama...i think i may be considering writing a book on my misfortune in the future if im jobless...haha~ ( keep dreaming, ng kar yann =.= )

well, nothing can beat me down...the things i had been through will make me even stronger and a better person...

"In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail."
"no success or failure is necessarily final."
(these are the quotes that motivated me ) ^^

Friday, January 08, 2010

good luck for me in 2010???

well, lots of incidents happened to me during the pass holiday

had been very unlucky all the time from december until now!!!


i definately need to change my luck, but how to do it??? arghhhhhhhhh!!!
( pray more? or be more cautious on what i will be doing? seriously, i have no idea )

post this early in the morning, cant get back to sleep cause was awaken by a nightmare...

im feeling insecure due to the misfortune that had happened lately...

how can i make everything better?

i just hope for a better luck this year...and everything just go on smoothly as it was...and i will be more than grateful ! ** fingers cross **

p/s: still have many updates to post...but am currently not in the mood~~~