Sunday, December 13, 2009

take care darling...will miss u very ( x1000 ) much!!!
started missing you although i just saw u 5 minutes ago...
don't be naughty ya....

Friday, December 11, 2009

Finally!!! Taku and Melissa came back after the trip 3years ago...well, my used to be 'cute and young' cousin had 'transformed' into a teenage girl and she looks so mature,like an adult...looking forward to meet them!!!

and YEAH!!! and all of them are coming to kl this sunday and im so looking forward to see them!!!  we will be doing lots of shopping and our long awaited trip to BALI !!! hohoho~~~ ** exited **

i will surely enjoy myself very very much on this break and refresh myself to welcome 2010 with full of spirit and strength...nothing can beat me down!!! yeah~

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

its RYAN again!!!

yeah!!! its RYAN again...have not been seeing him for 2months plus, and he has become so cute!!! 2weeks more to see this little monster...**waiting**






Saturday, December 05, 2009

photos editing

hehe....spent the day editing photos...i just realised that time passed so quickly and i had been editing for almost 3hours!!!





some photos are repeated...because im lazy to edit just try on different backgrounds and layouts to see the effect...well, not bad after all!!! hehe~~~

opppppssssss~~~! i almost forgot that i still have assignment to do...T.T
better grap dinner and start working!!! ** hungry **

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

baby R.Y.A.N

was shown pictures of cute ryan from my sis...
he's growing up fast since i last saw him 2 months ago~
he knows how to sing already !!! humming unknown cute!!!
cant wait to see him !!! hope he can still recognise me and don't push me away when i wana carry him~ hehe...

managed to save the photos of him...

his cute tempurung hair cut

he's just adorable~~~ hugssssss



p/s: ng kar menn, don't siok sendiri there ya...i have to upload your face as well cause i don't wana spoil the photo croppipng your face off!!! LOL =P